1. All product photos and names on this website belong to MoschouGroup and their use in other websites and product catalogues or any other corporate papers is strictly forbidden unless there is a written approval by MoschouGroup
  2. Shipment of orders is always at Buyer ‘s cost and responsibility
  3. Any claims regarding quality / quantity of the products must be declared by the Buyer in written within 10 days the latest from the receipt, otherwise it is considered to be unconditional
  4. Return of the products is only accepted after contacting etiles.eu in written and according to the conditions that will have been approved during this communication by the Seller as well, and provided that the returned products are certified to be free of any weathering or distortion.
  5. Return transportation cost is on Buyer’s account
  6. Partial return of the order is not accepted
  7. In order to refund products must be returned in their own initial packing
  8. Refund is made only for the product found at condition suitable for re-selling and with a 10% restocking fee